Frequently Asked Questions
What does this Developer Portal offer?
The APIs provided on this Portal are the technical interfaces to access the services of the Bank as an external party. To connect, you can use our Developer Portal. It provides you with everything needed to be effective and productive in building on our APIs.
What do I need to get started?
To get access to the Developer Portal and use the sandbox, the first step is to get a developer account. You can create it on the “Create account” page. After submitting, we will send you an email with an activation link. Activate your account by following that link and you are ready to go!
All API information are available in the section “API Products”.
How can I test the sandbox APIs?
To test the sandbox APIs, you need a REST API client, which is either your existing or new application, or a REST API test tool such as Postman, SoapUI or many others.
Email Confirmation Issues:
When you register on this Developer Portal, you will receive an email with an activation link. You need to click on the link or paste it in the browser and hit enter to activate your account. In some cases, the email might get caught in a spam filter.
How do I report/address a bug/question?
To do this, please contact our Support Team. Contact details are available on the “Contact” page.